Everyone has a story! It’s how we communicate. And the people at Slideshare want to see what tale you can spin. Are you known for your stories, enjoy a good tale, or embellish beyond belief? Dig up some stories — old and new — and share them at Slideshare for a chance to win in their “Tell a Story in 30 Slides (or less!)” Contest.
Fuze Meeting & SlideShare "Tell A Story" Contest
View more Microsoft Word documents from Amit Ranjan.
We’re going to add a ‘DigEx’ twist to the storytelling contest — create a story about where you live (home, town, city, state, country… you decide what “where you live” means) and introduce us to something or someone that you immediately think of when you hear the words “where you live.” Send us a link to your stories, we would love to see them!